
Blessed with Brilliant Government

People who know me, know full well that im not a patriot, I don't belive in patriotism as I believe it fosters a 'holier than thou' attitude, which is strongly evidenced on either side of the 49th paralell.

Now don't misunderstand me, I love Canada I think its a great place, canadians by no stretch of the imagination have a hard life. For those of you who dont know (and I ask those where have you been?) we are in the midst of a federal election campaign and this one is shaping up to be nothing more than a contest of who can sling more mud in the others eye.

We have four major parties (snicker)

Liberal (Grits) current ruling party with majority
Conservatives (Tories) official opposition
Bloc Quebecois (Block Heads) they are canada's federal seperatist party
NDP (Democrats?) somewhere left of the middle

Now ignore the last two as the block heads as ive stated are fighting for a soverign Quebec and the NDP dont get much in the way of support(sadly)

So its between the first two and there campaign promises are ridiculous.

Stephen Harper, who from herein shall be reffered to as fisheyes, is the tory leader. Fisheyes wants to cut the gst over the next few years down to 5%, a tax cut for the rich and barely noticeable even to them. He also want to abolish the term marriage with regards to gay couples, instead calling them civil unions. Also he addmitted on radio that he would sell out to privatized health care if it meant less suffering, an understandable position but at least have the apperance of integrity, dont say your fighting for public health care then say its okay for you to support privatised health care cause it'll end your spouses suffering, There are thousands of people waiting waiting for hip replacements, mri's, operating tables for what ever reason.
I give you my standard salute, "Fuck you fisheyes"

Paul Martin is a little smarter or at least he appeared to be until recently. He announced a promise for a 1% reduction in income tax for low and middle class incomes, a change for the possitive. The liberals have done reasonably well as the governing party in canada but Paulie pulled a bonehead move aimed at wooing the Toronto and Vancouver electorate. He's going to make ownership of handguns illegal. Of course its not that simple but thats what it boiled down to, and let me ask "anyone remember the billion dollar gun registry?" paulie there both major border cities no one would have blaqmed you if you said you were going to increase the powers of our crippled border gaurds? how bout starting with a seperation from revenue canada, whatever changes you made there we wouldnt be worse of than out neighbors to the south. You may have one a few votes in those riding but was it worth sacrificing the rest of canada to the hellspawn that is fisheyes? Oh and fuck you and your Lawful Access Initiative

Most of this is ancient history to all of you or at least is reasonably familiar but I felt the need to post and to rant, I am saited, for now.

I urge you in the interst of a canada free from direct american influence, Dont vote for fisheyes, he will sell us out alot faster than Paulie will. And if your looking for someone to tell you how to vote, go with NDP, no tax cuts but more for your money, set election dates, abolishion of policy apointments, debt relief for students.

Itunes: Mad Caddies - Shaving Your Life